One more question guys... would you yourself support your wife in fulfilling her promise, IF that would mean you should let big part of your home's property go into garbage? For example she has promised to put away all made in China products from your home because they persecute christians and HongKong people in China and are kind of qonquering the world and getting rich and powerful with all their cheep products so that all people want to please them. But after this promise you and your wife realize that you must throw away almost all electronics, clothes and furniture from your home, tv, computer... Would you be supporting her in this? Or would you be happy to find a Bible place that tells that the husband can say no to his wife's promise? .... Or would you simply divorce from her or what?
It's a waste to throw serviceable items in the garbage. It is wiser to use them until they are useless and then replace them with something that doesn't violate your values, or simply go without. The corporations already have your money; they couldn't care less what you do with something you've already bought. A company whose products I've used for decades recently violated an ethical boundary. I will never purchase their products again, but I thought it silly to toss things I had already purchased; that only punishes me, not them.
What you describe is a significant lifestyle change. You and your husband need to be on the same page on this. Your marriage is a covenant, and breaking that covenant over "stuff" is both sinful and incredibly foolish.
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