Too often manufacturers of flea and tick treatments know the risks and market their insecticides regardless.
Over the counter medications are also risky. Hartz brands have cost many a dog and cat their lives. As has Sergeants.
It's unconscionable that those companies have little care for the loss of our beloved companions to their insecticide formula's.
I lost a kitten to Sergeants flea treatment. It broke my heart as I nursed her as best as could be done for three long days before she finally succumbed.
My veterinarian said I could put her down to alleviate the suffering, after he said there was a chance she could overcome the effects. I chose to pray and think she'd overcome because I knew how I'd feel if I put her to sleep without giving her that chance to fight and survive.
It broke my heart for quite awhile as she passed away on my chest, laying there looking up at me with sad eyes and mewing her last as if to say, mommy why do I hurt?
No one should suffer such a loss. Especially the pup in that OP video going through those seizures. My kitten never suffered those , thank God. But to see that poor dog go through it is inspiration enough to warn others not to risk their dog to such a fate.