No. We should give only if people are willing to be held accountable for their future. People who don't want responsibility should starve.
I know of a person who started a business, and although he had just started it investing and all the trimmings, he closed dit and stopped to go to college. Why_ He would have been required to deal with the maffia in order to continue.
Another person who was working for an investment firm quit his work because one of the VP)s had offere to put him through college at his own expense. This lad would not and quit his job in order not to accept something for which he felt unworthy.
There are many reasons people do not work, some are simply in the Way and do not wish to seek those tings people of this age seek.
There are many more good reasons why people will not accept certain types of responsibilities, so, as we are taught, judge with right judgment,never simply by sight.
Oh, I have come across many individuals who want everything for nothing, and I keep clear of them, so in the regard you are spot on so let us keep our holy perspective. God bless you always.