Interesting but then if homeschool, then why not home churches. The reality is that Some parents just dont have the resources to homeschool or dont know about the options.
The also want their child to learn a language they dont have the skill to teach because they dont actually speak it themselves.
Ive always wondered why some christians seem so opposed to speaking in tongues when its Gods gift. But when coming across those teaching other unknown tongues people make a fuss too. And forbid others from learning them. Its like children ARE going to be exposed to other children speaking other langauges do you not want them to learn.
When i was teaching bible I thought I wouldnt need to be doing this if all the parents were teaching Bible to their own children. This is why, in public schools christian teachers have this ministry. Do you only care for your own children or do you have a wider vision.
Im not opposed to homeschool but cant imagine my mum or dad teaching me anything. My mum would probably yell at me, but perhaps I would learn some chinese, I dont know how to read any because we had NO chinese books in the house. Only just now mum. Has learned you can go to the library and borrow. if your parents arent literate how could they have homeschooled you? My granparents couldnt even read or write english. Other languages arent recongnised in qualifications as everything is taught in english.
But thing is she does complain why didnt you learn to cook, well if I had stayed home i stead of going to school and she actully took the time to teach me then maybe i would have learned to be an expert cook. Some parents just dont have it in them to teach their children unfortuantely. But its good to have that option now because what child wants to stay home than go to school. Unkess their home is abusive, and sad thing is that in some homes the child is actually not safe. Children do get kicked out of the nest very early.
Why because the parents want their own life and arent prepared to look after them. Even rich parents do this, or they just hire a nanny or governess in the old days. For girls, education was woeful as they werent challenged to learn the things boys learned, some parents didnt expect girls to learn anything and so many grew up without basic skills to manage anything. If you parent is not a scientist or doctor, how can you teach them what you never learned, if your child shows a gift or potential for it? What about music or dance? They cant learn something you as a parent hadnt learned. This is why we have a multitude of teachers not just one person, even if its the parent teaching everything.
Perhaps now with online resources its better, but not everything you can learn online. And you also need a good library or regular access to one. You cant just rely on a screen. Homeschool might be for children in rural areas but can you imagine those in the city cooped up in their tiny apartments all day stuck with their parents and no means of escape lol. Good if your parents are into teaching, not good if your parents only want you to learn certain things they were good at. What if you want to learn something else you parent has never experienced and they DONT want you to learn it. Why should it be solely on the mum what about grandparents? Aunties and uncles? Do dads not homsechool?