I've been noticing a trend in gaming as of late a lot of borderline and sometimes straight up offensive games have coming to the Nintendo. I have a feeling Sonys no sense making Sjw censorship is compelling Nintendo to do more questionable 3rd party games. A new game with a rather disturbing title is you star as Satans son and have fight of an eviler person or something. Its actually a satire of Doom as a comedic role reversal. So it's meant to be funny. So its probably not as bad as some other games on the switch right now content wise and its M for mature so parental locks can easily filter it out. There are a few more troubling games all from third parties within the past few years since us Nintendo dropped there no real world religions in games which is a good and bad thing as it means Christian game developers can enter the Nintendo market and a few have already. I however can recommend games if you need to know some decent ones let me know. Its getting worse in all forms of media as of late.