Two unknown strangers were stuck at a popular international airport. kinda was smelling exceptionally horrible due to not showering for two days. A very tired and exhausted Pipp kindly asked a stranger sitting next to her (kinda), to please move some where else, since you smell really, really badly.
kinda's head scrambled for a quick response, because the secret was out that he smelled really badly. kinda remarked, that smell is not from me, it's these old, worn out airport chairs we are sitting on. I thought it was me also, until I smelled the chairs.
Pipp wasn't fooled at all by the strangers excuse, but thought she had time to kill. She said, to the smelly stranger. Do they have showers were you live, they are popular in the U.S., you should look into them.
kinda replied, showers are for dirty people. Pipp slapped kinda across the face and immediately thought, she needed to wash her hands immediately. She got up and left to wash her hands throughly for 15 minutes.
Four hours pass and Pipp realizes the smelly stranger is on the same flight that she was on. She prayed, he better not sit next to me Lord, he smells like hasn't showered in a week. As it turns out, they both are sitting next to each other on the same plane.
Pipp scrambles and looks for empty seats, but none are available.
kinda tries to make small talk and says, what are the odds huh? Pipp rolls her eyes and thinks of the emergency exits, if she can't take the smell any more by mid flight.
kinda figures all hope is lost in any small talk and flips open his laptalk to CC. Pipp notices he logged on to CC, but still bitter about sitting next to a smelly stranger.
Two hours pass.
The smell eventually kills off any smelling senses left in Pipp's nose and she asks what his user name is on CC. The stranger replies, kinda. Pipp says, hi kinda, I'm Pipp.
The End.