This is something like the third thread, possibly more, that has appeared of late so as to discuss peoples personal opinions when they're not in full agreement with others personal opinions.
Perhaps so as to settle the matter once and for all we might consider that others personal opinions of our relationship with God, as that appears to be what is the crux of the issue of how people comport themselves in discussions here, are welcome and yet are of no importance as pertains to the steadfastness of our seal.
Too often I think we are afraid we're not "doing it right", when we enter into discussions that surround the object under discussion; our personal faith and understanding.
And sadly, I believe a reason for that insecurity is due to our encountering personalities that intend to impart that very notion. Of course, in the process those one's are certain they are doing it right. Which appears to be what leads them to believe they are able to judge others they feel are in deficit in that regard.
There's an old saying that may be of value here. You are not responsible for what other people think of you. You cannot control what other people say about you.
Ours is a relationship with the greatest power in all existence.
Think about that for a moment. YOU, that individual that may be reading this right now, are greatly loved by the all powerful everywhere present at the same time eternally loving source for all that exists. And that great eternal power knows you personally!
Lean on that, is my advice. Trust that and the opinion God holds of you, is my advice.
Sometimes we just have to grow up and realize not everyone agrees with how we see things. And that's awesome! Because otherwise there would be no diversity that would keep this life interesting. We'd live instead in a world of boredom because we all agree together and see all that God created in this world through the same eyes.
Dull! No stimuli to keep life interesting.
Didn't see that coming did ya?