You know, if you think Salvation is not by works you are all Calvinists!!
Since you don't know that you are Calvinists I will just call you Secret Calvinists. SC's.
You don't have to have perfect understanding to be a SC. Even your partial understanding is ok.
That goes double to UnderGrace and Blueladybug.
That's my new term and I'm copyrighting it. Secret Calvinist. All you have to do is believe, even partially, of one of the tenets of Calvinism.
OSAS? Yep, Secret Calvinist.
Not of Works? Yep, Secret Calvinist.
Believe in Christ and Gods Grace? Secret Calvinist.
There's almost no way to NOT be a Secret Calvinist. You would have to contradict almost all Truth. I know some of you are going to try. Good Luck!!!