Catholic do not teach that Islam God is God. We simply believe that there is only one God and different interpretation. We believe in love and acceptance. We preach to accept everyone despite their religion and background. Let’s say that Islam God is not God, must you point finger and hate Muslim because they are different. They are human like you . Some were born Muslim and practice what was taught to me. The reason why catholic accept Islam is because we believe in love . Remember he scriptures one man helped another he saw on the road. That other man was from a different religion and background. Jesus used this example when he was explaining love your brother like yourself. None of Us know what we will see after we die whether our faith is justified or not. Muslim also think Christian have the wrong God. Who is right? God knows. Is someone necessarily right? Why don’t we love each other first as son of God.
Lumen gentium II/16/126
126) But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. Nor is God far distant from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, for it is He who gives to all men life and breath and all things
Let me copy one more time
....... among with us adore the one Mercy God.
Yes we have to love muslim, and because of love don't Lie to them. Tell them with love that Jesus is the only way to the father.
To love mean want to bring them to heaven.
To say they worship Abraham God is hate, I know why vatican say that, because they want to create one world religion to SUPPORT one world government, the antichrist government, Lucifer government, not because love.
If that because of love, than catholic must say exactly the bible say, No one come to the father except by Me.
That is the bible say about only one way of salvation.
Catholic do not care If they go to hell, all she care is to help Lucifer to create one world government