See?! This PROVES you only get about 50% of what you think, and say (because of ignorance) correct!
Show me a post where I claim to be a flat earther. You can't. Because I'm not.
You are right that I'm a moon landing hoaxer. But it's interesting to see you flail about in an attempt to divert from your blatant ignorance. You, not being able to understand what gerrymandering means is relevant because it's IN THIS POLITICAL THREAD.
Now let me show the difference between starving people, and obese American 'poor" people that can only afford Mickey D's:
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I defy you to show me Americans who are "starving"!
We have been on numerous mission trips to places like the Dominican Republic. When you get outside of the resorts MOST of the D.R. lives in abject poverty. I'll try and find my videos of the glorified doghouses a good many live in there.
Couple of anecdote stories.
A few of blocks from the child development center we were building was a man with no shoes, wearing rags, looking emaciated. He dumped out a garbage can by a bodega onto the street and was picking out the little bit of grains of rice that were on the street and eating them.
On one trip, an "evil" pharmaceutical exec, and several DRs and dentists came with us with trunks full of medical supplies. We tested hundreds of locals, and virtually every one had worms from unsanitary conditions, and untreated dirty water. The medicine they were given would quickly cure them, but we all knew it was just a matter of time before they would have them again.
There was a 7 or 8 yr old boy who was maimed by a fall. His parents gave him up and he had to live with his grandmother in a deplorable 1 room shack. We had to ford a shallow river in a truck to get to his village. While crossing, there was a naked little kid standing behind a guy on a motorcycle in the river with a bar of soap. The guy was revving the motorcycle to create a type of shower for the kid to rinse off. Standard practice I'm told.
There are many other stories about this socialist country, but you get the idea. In socialist countries, there are the very few who live like kings. There is NO middle class. Just vast amounts of true poor.
You DO NOT want socialism here.