I am a firm believer that it was my job to educate my children, and schools, churches and other means were only tools I used to accomplish this.
I sent my children to public school, and I supplemented or corrected their education as I saw need. I had no trouble telling teachers/principals/school workers when they did a great job above and beyond, and no problem telling the school/teacher when I thought they were wrong. I volunteered in the school as often as my schedule allowed, and I still volunteer in the school, helping teach children how to read (teach a child to read and they can learn to do anything else). I taught the girls to always be respectful of the authority teachers and school workers had over them, regardless of how they felt about the person. If they got in trouble at school, I heard their side, the school's side and then punished accordingly or went back to the school and gave them more of the story and corrected any punishment they received. Neither myself, nor any of my children were ever expelled, but there were a couple calls to see the principal. They are now grown; one is studying to become a teacher, one is an EMT studying to become a doctor and one is battling cancer and the taking the treatments that go with this, but she hopes to finish grad school when she's better.
If I had to do it again, I might have home schooled for at least the first few years, but I would have sent them to public school later. Each person has to decide how to best educate their children, so my way isn't for everyone.