Climate change, green new deal, nothing more than a tax grab. Real science allows disagreement and study. Climate change isn't science, it's a religion. No one is allowed to disagree. The founder of Green Peace says AOC is batty. So who's right? Temps go up, they go down, that's climate change. They had people saying the same thing 20,30,40 years ago. You can Google it. If climate change was true Obama wouldn't have dropped all that dough on a castle beside the water. They all scream about it, tell us what we should do about it and then do the opposite. Sanders saying he wasn't going to stop taking an airplane. Why not?! If it's going to be all over in 12yrs wouldn't you sell your huge mansions, stop flying and walk or bike everywhere? But they don't do they. Because they don't believe their own rhetoric. And I have news for you, Christians don't care if it all ends in 12yrs, we're going to a better place.