The idiocy that the end came and went in 70 A.D.........
The beginning of the last days began when Jesus said it is finished .The veil was rent from the top to the bottom . The time of reformation had come . The period of time used as parable for the time then present using an outward temple (Pagan design) had come to a end.
Those who held unto the bricks or stones as a wailing wall (idol image) . .Did so in in jeopardy of the abomination of desecration .Things seen standing in the holy unseen place of God reserved for our Father in heaven .
Those who did have the Spirit of Christ dwelling in them (the generation of Christ the born again beginning) are the new temple. We offer our temples as a living sacrifice in view of his great mercy as we do get the gospel out two by two.
There are some today that would rebuild the pagan design "the desecration as a abomination". Some are looking for a Red Heifer for instance or a golden ark to be used as idol images... not walking by faith the unseen eternal..