Can you not see how you have your foot in both camps?
Can you not see there are no camps? There are scriptures. They are God given. God doesn't want division. People want to divide. Do you know why? Because a house divided can not stand. And Satan wants that very thing. So he makes the details of the letter become important than the message. Doesn't matter that it should be about finding the love of God for us, and the love of each other from within the Word, it only matters who is right. But for what it is worth, here it is
There was a nation who had been slaves for 400 years. They knew nothing. But God had them set to become a nation" set apart". A holy nation. Representatives of God. God gives them laws to live by to be a "better nation", a moral people, to each other and to everyone around. And as long as they followed His laws that is what they would remain. Fair, honest, trustworthy, untouchable, in the world full of carnal greedy, powers and nations. But they had God. And if they loved and obeyed the rules, He was there 100%. But we always seem to forget HE CREATED US FOR HIS PLEASURE and He wants our love
So all those laws that seem so hard to follow and such a burden, for one, covered everything. Could you imagine running an enire country with less than 700 rules? They are the government, the church, the moral, the civil, laws, to keep clean and disease free, ect. They were for that "era". They had to be everything. They also were set to expire. Because they were not going to be a nation much after that. And they weren't were they? Needed to bring in a more of a "take it with you" type law.
But we can't change any of the law, not a jot or tittle. Why not? Because not only is it our history and the whole book rests upon itself, and it must remain perfect.
Another thing on the laws themselves is within them you find the "personality" of God. The Holiness of God. The righteousness of God. What makes Him happy, What brings about His wrath. These are things we need to know. These are things you WANT to know when you really truly love someone.
Jesus came and walked and talked what all these laws described about love, and holiness and loving your fellow man, and what the perfect man look like to Gods eyes. When you ask yourself what does God want, look to Jesus, when you are doing the best you can, you look more like Jesus. It is so much easier to do something once someone else has done it. So all those laws had to go but not the "spirit" of them because the spirit of them is Holiness and love and kindness, well, the sprit of them are the fruits of the spirit.
So how do those laws hang on the new ones? Love and goodness to God and to each other, that has to come along. How God tells us to run a nation, can't ever be forgotten but it is no longer a law "we" must follow, that would be about rendering unto Cesar's… We know, but I don't think many people understand the difference between "forgiveness of sin" then vs now. It should be a mandatory test before being baptized just so you appreciate what Jesus really did do for us in this area alone. I can't overstate it. All the areas have their special "windows" to another part of God ways.
I have a very good understanding of my Creator and my Lord and Savior, and my Comforter, and a very good relationship too. I never lived under the law, but I live with it and all the knowledge and wisdom of God that it shares with me. I thank God most every day for all He gives me, feeling so unworthy of any of it, so giving more thanks for My Lord and Savior for doing that and the billion other things that were done in the years He walked amongst us. My foundation is solid, I know upon whom my faith is built and where I stand. I have studied, a lot.
Am I in two camps? Not a clue. Would it matter? No. I have figured out what I say here is seen by those God wants to see it, and it is nothing other than poking someone in the eye so they can't see on the other side. I believe that I could agree with them and they still wouldn't see it until God said "ok". But with that they would have to ask. I don't see that happening, but Gods Will be done. God tells us, this is how it is going to be. Funny thing is, even knowing it, it still comes as a shock.