Words of strength and wisdom from a terminally diagnosed dear Sister friend in Christ.
Yes, I have permission to share...
When you are given a terminal diagnosis, your first reaction is OH CRAP. Your second reaction is WHAT DO I DO TO CHANGE THIS? Your third reaction is WHY ME? And at some point, you settle into the fact that this is where your life is about to change…literally.
I was panicked the first time I heard the news. I was devastated. This is the type of thing that happens to other people…you know the people you read about on Facebook. Because as we all know, this couldn’t happen to ME…I am somehow immune to this type of thing.
Well, this happened to me. I am not immune. I am the story you read about on Facebook “Woman diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 55”. Oh hell. I am infamous.
Now that we have gotten past the tears and the initial shock of it all. I can continue on with life…for as long as I am permitted. There are some perks to being terminally ill. And I thought I would blog about those perks today.
1. A life sentence means less to me know…murder is no longer OFF THE TABLE as an option when settling disputes.
2. Diet? What diet? A fat body cremates as easily as a skinny body.
3. I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don’t have to care!
4. I no longer chase after people I want in my life. The less they come around the shorter the will is going to be in the end.
5. Showering is no longer as important to me…see #4.
6. I don’t care what people think about me because in the end…I will haunt the ones who were mean to me anyhow.
7. Staying up to date in today’s fashion is not an issue. Simply because I no longer have to care what anyone thinks…see #6.
8. I no longer have to start watching any recommended new series on TV, I may not see the final season...what’s the point?
9. Cleaning my house from top to bottom is irrelevant. When I die the vultures will ransack it anyhow. (leave the roof…the house doesn’t belong to me)
10. I get to live in the NOW. I can’t plan ahead because…well, you know…
11. Knowing in advance that the end is near gives me a little time to finalize my exit. Not everyone gets to write their own obituary and have it CURRENT.
12. My last jab at being a control freak…I have the memorial, slideshow, obit, flowers, music, handouts and everything already for THE DAY.
13. I can use the excuse that I am TERMINAL when I am pulled over for speeding…Hey, I am just trying to get from point A to point B in the least amount of time…as my time is limited.
14. I no longer have to eat things I don’t want to eat because it might offend someone if I don’t like their cooking. DUDE! I am dying…why rush it?
15. Remember that $20 I borrowed? Yeah, you are mentioned in the will.
16. I can go crazy and buy all the yarn and fabric I want now. Let the kids sort through it all when I am done…no longer my problem.
17. I don’t have to start new projects because it is trendy…who’s to say I will be here to finish it?
18. I listen to CLASSIC ROCK, at least I know the words to those songs. I may not have time to learn the words to this new stuff, no matter how COOL it is.
19. I can start 5 Minecraft worlds and build on them…then will one to each of my kids.
20. I no longer make dinner reservations or order my groceries online…I might not make it that far. Although I do still order my Route 44 Coca Colas from Sonic through the app. I just set the pick-up time to ASAP.
21. I can get my subscriptions prorated for the LIFETIME memberships.
22. When I adopt a pet, I look at the senior pets…I figure we have about the same timeline.
23. When I buy an electronic and the cashier asks if I want the extended warranty, I respond with, “For me or the purchase?”
24. When my doctor writes my prescriptions, she asks if I want that for 6 months or a year. I tell her,” You would know better than me Doc.”
25. I can laugh at my own jokes, but responding at the end of the chuckle with, “I kill me” is no longer appropriate.
26. I don’t buy seasonal clothes, because REALLY? I got two seasons left in me…ALIVE and DEAD. I am wearing tie-dye from here on out and I will wear white after Labor Day – If I get that far.
27. In arguments, I used to yell, “Well excuse my existence!” Now I can yell, “Pardon my DEATH!”
28. 10 Items or less? Move it, lady…I got 10 months or less!
29. Sneezing, coughing, burping, farting…all good sounds. Proof that I am still alive!
30. I don’t have to preorder Christmas presents or cards…If I can’t have concrete proof that I will be there to hand them out…what’s the point?
There you have it, my list of how I cope. I am a spiritual person and believe in God. I have turned this over to Him and asked that His will be done in my life. Because truthfully, only He knows how much time any of us have on this planet. Many may leave this world before I leave, who knows? I do know this much though, I plan to live my remaining days with a smile on my face, laughter in my heart and love all around me every single day. I will not be knocked down by this diagnosis. I will be a victory, not a victim.
After all, I have so many people in Heaven to see again, not to mention Jesus Christ (have I got questions for Him). It has been a blessing to be a part of so many people’s lives, been a grand opportunity to help others smile when it didn’t seem possible. And I have been so very blessed to have so many people love me for ME.
My friends, Live, Love and Laugh.
Live in the moment because you do not know if it is your last.
Love all day, every day. Stop chasing people to make them love you, make room for the ones who already do.
Laugh at everything and anything. Laughter is not a crime, at worst its just rude…like we care!
I love you all my friends. I appreciate you all for your part played in this lovely journey called LIFE.
Yes, I have permission to share...
When you are given a terminal diagnosis, your first reaction is OH CRAP. Your second reaction is WHAT DO I DO TO CHANGE THIS? Your third reaction is WHY ME? And at some point, you settle into the fact that this is where your life is about to change…literally.
I was panicked the first time I heard the news. I was devastated. This is the type of thing that happens to other people…you know the people you read about on Facebook. Because as we all know, this couldn’t happen to ME…I am somehow immune to this type of thing.
Well, this happened to me. I am not immune. I am the story you read about on Facebook “Woman diagnosed with a terminal illness at age 55”. Oh hell. I am infamous.
Now that we have gotten past the tears and the initial shock of it all. I can continue on with life…for as long as I am permitted. There are some perks to being terminally ill. And I thought I would blog about those perks today.
1. A life sentence means less to me know…murder is no longer OFF THE TABLE as an option when settling disputes.
2. Diet? What diet? A fat body cremates as easily as a skinny body.
3. I can eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and I don’t have to care!
4. I no longer chase after people I want in my life. The less they come around the shorter the will is going to be in the end.
5. Showering is no longer as important to me…see #4.
6. I don’t care what people think about me because in the end…I will haunt the ones who were mean to me anyhow.
7. Staying up to date in today’s fashion is not an issue. Simply because I no longer have to care what anyone thinks…see #6.
8. I no longer have to start watching any recommended new series on TV, I may not see the final season...what’s the point?
9. Cleaning my house from top to bottom is irrelevant. When I die the vultures will ransack it anyhow. (leave the roof…the house doesn’t belong to me)
10. I get to live in the NOW. I can’t plan ahead because…well, you know…
11. Knowing in advance that the end is near gives me a little time to finalize my exit. Not everyone gets to write their own obituary and have it CURRENT.
12. My last jab at being a control freak…I have the memorial, slideshow, obit, flowers, music, handouts and everything already for THE DAY.
13. I can use the excuse that I am TERMINAL when I am pulled over for speeding…Hey, I am just trying to get from point A to point B in the least amount of time…as my time is limited.
14. I no longer have to eat things I don’t want to eat because it might offend someone if I don’t like their cooking. DUDE! I am dying…why rush it?
15. Remember that $20 I borrowed? Yeah, you are mentioned in the will.
16. I can go crazy and buy all the yarn and fabric I want now. Let the kids sort through it all when I am done…no longer my problem.
17. I don’t have to start new projects because it is trendy…who’s to say I will be here to finish it?
18. I listen to CLASSIC ROCK, at least I know the words to those songs. I may not have time to learn the words to this new stuff, no matter how COOL it is.
19. I can start 5 Minecraft worlds and build on them…then will one to each of my kids.
20. I no longer make dinner reservations or order my groceries online…I might not make it that far. Although I do still order my Route 44 Coca Colas from Sonic through the app. I just set the pick-up time to ASAP.
21. I can get my subscriptions prorated for the LIFETIME memberships.
22. When I adopt a pet, I look at the senior pets…I figure we have about the same timeline.
23. When I buy an electronic and the cashier asks if I want the extended warranty, I respond with, “For me or the purchase?”
24. When my doctor writes my prescriptions, she asks if I want that for 6 months or a year. I tell her,” You would know better than me Doc.”
25. I can laugh at my own jokes, but responding at the end of the chuckle with, “I kill me” is no longer appropriate.
26. I don’t buy seasonal clothes, because REALLY? I got two seasons left in me…ALIVE and DEAD. I am wearing tie-dye from here on out and I will wear white after Labor Day – If I get that far.
27. In arguments, I used to yell, “Well excuse my existence!” Now I can yell, “Pardon my DEATH!”
28. 10 Items or less? Move it, lady…I got 10 months or less!
29. Sneezing, coughing, burping, farting…all good sounds. Proof that I am still alive!
30. I don’t have to preorder Christmas presents or cards…If I can’t have concrete proof that I will be there to hand them out…what’s the point?
There you have it, my list of how I cope. I am a spiritual person and believe in God. I have turned this over to Him and asked that His will be done in my life. Because truthfully, only He knows how much time any of us have on this planet. Many may leave this world before I leave, who knows? I do know this much though, I plan to live my remaining days with a smile on my face, laughter in my heart and love all around me every single day. I will not be knocked down by this diagnosis. I will be a victory, not a victim.
After all, I have so many people in Heaven to see again, not to mention Jesus Christ (have I got questions for Him). It has been a blessing to be a part of so many people’s lives, been a grand opportunity to help others smile when it didn’t seem possible. And I have been so very blessed to have so many people love me for ME.
My friends, Live, Love and Laugh.
Live in the moment because you do not know if it is your last.
Love all day, every day. Stop chasing people to make them love you, make room for the ones who already do.
Laugh at everything and anything. Laughter is not a crime, at worst its just rude…like we care!
I love you all my friends. I appreciate you all for your part played in this lovely journey called LIFE.
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