You are so very correct. Any chance you could name one person in this thread (or not in this thread) who believes that flesh could be? Not one? Me either. Because No one believes that
Everyone agrees, 100% that the flesh can not be justified by deeds of the law. (maybe somewhere else they do but not here)
Both sides also agree that Salvation is 100% a GIFT FROM GOD.
Not sure why they must be put in every 3rd post. Seems like you there is so much more to truth and knowledge and wisdom from God to be spreading, but that's just me. Seems weird to keep bringing up something no one believes.
I am just pointing out that a statement like that would never need to be made, if the law had indeed been taken away. I believe the law is as alive as ever, as opposed to dead.
It is to be followed, not worked for salvation. Just by this very statement "BY THE DEEDS OF THE LAW", that pesky law just keeps itself as valid today as it was when first GOD given.
That is the only statement I was making. Thank you for pointing it out once again.
The Perfect Law and the sin it reveals in me, leads me to repent, to change my "inner man". To keep my "flesh" where it belongs, under control. I ask that the sacrifice done by the Lamb of God cover me in every "slip" event in my life. His work, His love, His sacrifice not only cleanses me daily, it set me free from the bondage to sin, and by sin death. I will not waste that gift. I need Him every day, in every way and without The LORD, I am nothing. I have come a long,long way, I have a long way to go, but with the Comforters help, and God for me, I can do all things, impossible things.
No, just going to point out how basic life is impossible without the law. And with the law sin is revealed. And when sin is revealed, repentance is necessary, and once forgiven, washed clean, a more like Christ walk I walk. And that should be every ones goal. Because I believe that Gods Promises remain to those who remain faithful to Him.