I remember back when I was young, and I had questions for which I could not easily get answers. Some things I wondered about, but we had no internet to answer all questions, and certainly no phones to bring the internet and search engines with me wherever I was. But these days I can answer all my questions just by pressing that mic button and asking my phone.
My question to y'all is, do you think this makes things in general better or worse than they were before internet?
PRO: I can satisfy my curiosity instantly about anything.
CON: I can't NOT satisfy my curiosity instantly about anything. If I am wondering about something, I cannot not ask my phone about it. It's like a reflex.
PRO: There is no excuse to not know things. These days very few people walk around saying stuff like "Glass is a slow-moving liquid."
CON: There sure are a lot of smart-alecs these days, people who think they know everything because they can access the world on their phones. The percentage of the population has lately increased that won't listen to anything anybody says.
PRO: I can prove what I know to be fact with a simple internet search, thus saving a lot of time debating a lot of things I would rather not spend the time to argue about.
CON: ANYBODY can prove ANYTHING these days. If you want to believe the earth is flat, the sun goes around the moon and Elvis is alive and well in a small town in Iowa, you can find people "proving" it all over the internet.
PRO: (Add a pro in the comments below.)
CON: (Add a con in the comments below.)
Whataya think? Does all this balance out to a net positive or negative?
My question to y'all is, do you think this makes things in general better or worse than they were before internet?
PRO: I can satisfy my curiosity instantly about anything.
CON: I can't NOT satisfy my curiosity instantly about anything. If I am wondering about something, I cannot not ask my phone about it. It's like a reflex.
PRO: There is no excuse to not know things. These days very few people walk around saying stuff like "Glass is a slow-moving liquid."
CON: There sure are a lot of smart-alecs these days, people who think they know everything because they can access the world on their phones. The percentage of the population has lately increased that won't listen to anything anybody says.
PRO: I can prove what I know to be fact with a simple internet search, thus saving a lot of time debating a lot of things I would rather not spend the time to argue about.
CON: ANYBODY can prove ANYTHING these days. If you want to believe the earth is flat, the sun goes around the moon and Elvis is alive and well in a small town in Iowa, you can find people "proving" it all over the internet.
PRO: (Add a pro in the comments below.)
CON: (Add a con in the comments below.)
Whataya think? Does all this balance out to a net positive or negative?
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