Infant baptism. It gave power to the churches as well as money.
The conclusion does not logically follow:
So, if perhaps one church used an ordinance in a bad way, then that means all ordinances by all churches were always and only used in bad ways?
That does not logically follow.
It does not logically follow.
And it also won't hold up to any historical research.
TV Documentaries:
A TV documentary does not constitute historical research.
A. TV documentaries are not scholarly works, they aren't peer reviewed, they aren't even fact checked, and they're generally written and created by producers not historians.
B. TV documentaries are generally just undocumented nonsense with the producer injecting his own bias.
C. If you don't understand TV production, it works like this. Documentaries are cheap to produce, and they make producers some quick money. They don't have to be accurate, or factual. No one cares. The producer sells it to a network, and the network doesn't care. Nobody cares if it's accurate. They only care if the final product looks nice visually, and if it's salacious or controversial... so it will get views.
The LAST place we should look for good historical research is a TV documentary.
All ceremonies invented just for...
You said previously that ALL church ceremonies "were invented" just for scamming people out of money.
This is historically inaccurate, provably false, and your only evidence is a TV show.
To be honest, although this is disproven by the most basic historical research, research isn't even needed!
This argument falls due to basic logic errors.
To show some examples of a bad church using ceremonies to scam people, and then jumping to the conclusion that this proves all ceremonies were INVENTED for the sole purpose of scamming people... well, it's a simple logic error.
The premise has nothing to do with the conclusion.
If you want to dislike all churches, or dislike all ceremonies and ordinances, that's fine.
It is rational to have a personal, subjective dislike for whatever you want.
But you cannot defend your original statement as being either logical, or factually accurate.
You said ALL CEREMONIES by ALL CHURCHES were "INVENTED" for the sole purpose of taking people's money.
That won't hold up to any scrutiny of any kind.
And your only evidence is a tv show... a tv show for which you cannot even remember the name.