Thank- you for your thoughts they are given with love. The interpretation was not mine; I truly do not have that knowledge. I was also shown that had I failed and fell to sin even in my dream that would have given Satan admission to the vision and allowed him to create confusion and misinterpretation. LOVE
Ok,your starting place or approach need not put such heavy emphasis on mans distortion of the written word.
Because i say,God is able to hand his church a perfect hand book. It is his testimony.
What authenticated Jesus?
Several things.
But the fact is God authenticated him.
Same with the bible. God authenticated his book.
If we do a study,i will be on the high ground. I believe it is the word of God.
I just came oit of a bible study where some pauline guy came in to unsettle that very thing. The inerrant accuracy of the bible.
He lost,but his seed was planted.
I only listen to the great men of God.
Hardly any modern ones.
Having things to unlearn clutters up my harmony.
There is a harmony in the bible. Heavens harmony.
In that harmony animal death,human death and the death of the God Man.
Lots of death. But in your thoughts,or i should say the same approach you use,is another "obsticle" you have not factored in.
The geneologies.
They are humanly impossible,right along with those "players" individual testimonies.
See,it all had to happen exactly like it "went down"
Remember,Jesus was "slain from the foundation of the world"
Now play out that depth.
What we have is Gods ETERNAL TESTIMONY.
That testimony involved mans creation,fall,and redemption.
IOW,That book was written before adam.
It is the word and testimony of God.