SO as parents we are responsible for who we allow our children to spend time with.
When they are at school, this is a little more difficult to control. When your child tells you that " 'so-n-so' is my best friend (after Jesus)"
and you see the bad traits of "so-n-so" rubbing off on your child.... it's not good. When you can just get that feeling that this kid is going to be MAJOR trouble in a few years when middle school hits.
So what do you do?
Well, like most things concerning my kids...... I prayed. Something like this:
"Lord, You know this child and what he will be in a few years. You also know MY CHILD and who/what You want him to be.
If his friend is going to pull him away from You and Your plan for his life then please remove this person."
So last day of school rolls around and my son tells me (hadn't mentioned this before hand) that he is so sad for the last day of school. Jokingly I say something like "Oh? Are you going to miss all the lessons and home work?" (this kid whizzes through H.W.)
He then tells me "NO! It's 'so-n-so's" last day! He's homeschooling next year ........ "
SO while trying to comfort my child, inside I'm all like " YES!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!"
yeah, I felt a little guilty...... but:
I kept having verses like
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.
they kept coming to mind.
My son goes to a charter school that you get into by a lottery system. Each class has so many spots and if when someone leaves, the following school the spot is open for someone new to come in.
So, his friend left, that's 1 new spot. And we found out another student moved, so there are at least 2 spots open for NEW FRIENDS!!!!
Praying the Lord will send some good Christian faith filled friends his way............
When they are at school, this is a little more difficult to control. When your child tells you that " 'so-n-so' is my best friend (after Jesus)"
and you see the bad traits of "so-n-so" rubbing off on your child.... it's not good. When you can just get that feeling that this kid is going to be MAJOR trouble in a few years when middle school hits.
So what do you do?
Well, like most things concerning my kids...... I prayed. Something like this:
"Lord, You know this child and what he will be in a few years. You also know MY CHILD and who/what You want him to be.
If his friend is going to pull him away from You and Your plan for his life then please remove this person."
So last day of school rolls around and my son tells me (hadn't mentioned this before hand) that he is so sad for the last day of school. Jokingly I say something like "Oh? Are you going to miss all the lessons and home work?" (this kid whizzes through H.W.)
He then tells me "NO! It's 'so-n-so's" last day! He's homeschooling next year ........ "
SO while trying to comfort my child, inside I'm all like " YES!!! THANK YOU LORD!!!"
yeah, I felt a little guilty...... but:
I kept having verses like
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."
Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will suffer harm.
they kept coming to mind.
My son goes to a charter school that you get into by a lottery system. Each class has so many spots and if when someone leaves, the following school the spot is open for someone new to come in.
So, his friend left, that's 1 new spot. And we found out another student moved, so there are at least 2 spots open for NEW FRIENDS!!!!
Praying the Lord will send some good Christian faith filled friends his way............
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