The Doctrine of Christianity teaches, God Is All-Mighty, All-Powerful, Eternal, perfect being. and obviously stuff like God cannot contradict itself and much more.
So let's read what Bible says about this.
Even though I have much more verses to present, I would rather rely on one verse to challenge the doctrine of Christianity, or I should say, Doctrine of Trinity given the fact that non-Trinitarians also exist. So
Mathew 24:36
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. "
So basically no one knows except father. Jesus, God The Son, doesn't know about it.
May I ask All the Christians here, why God The Son doesn't know about it?
When Answering the question, please, please apply the same rule you explain for Jesus to the Holy Spirit.
Wow, this really shakes me up for I thought God was all knowing, but the Son does not know, but how can that be.
Oh, tell me it is not true, for now I will toss and turn on my bed over this, for I thought I was following a God that was all knowing, the greatest of all, but come to find out that God the Son does not know.
Oh why did you have to reveal this to me, and shake up my world to its very foundation, and left me shaking, and trembling with sweatiness, and anxiety.
The Bible says there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.
The man Christ Jesus is our Savior, for only a sinless man can reconcile the world unto God.
No man is sinless so God manifest Himself in flesh, and reconciled the world unto Himself in the person of Jesus Christ, God and man in harmony.
Which the man Christ Jesus is the personal human body of God, which He laid down His life for us, and purchased the Church with His own blood.
The Spirit in the man Christ Jesus is still connected to the omnipresent Spirit of God, for He cannot be separated.
The man Christ Jesus said to Philip, if you have seen Me, then you have seen the Father, for the words I speak are not My own, but the Father that dwells in Me, He does the works.
So Jesus is a visible image of the invisible God.
So Jesus is both God and man, and could speak from either viewpoint.
Which He claimed to be Lord and Master, and said before Abraham was I am, claiming to be God.
And He spoke as a man when He told Mary to go to the disciples, and tell them that I go to My Father, and your Father, and My God, and your God.
And when a man approached Him according to His humanity, and said, good Master, He spoke as a man and said, why call Me good, for there is only one good, and that is God, giving God the glory for Him doing good.
Had the man approached Jesus according to His deity, He would of said He is good, or not say why call Me good.
Since Jesus is both God and man He was speaking as a man when He said the Son does not know the time and hour of the second coming, but only the Father knows that time.
Which is why He said the Father is greater than Him, for God is greater than human.
Which the Bible says that the Son was made after the seed of David according to the flesh, and when the fulness of the time was come God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law.
But Jesus is God for He is God manifest in flesh, and God said in the Old Testament that He would come in the future in flesh, and save the Jews from their sins.
But that throws some people off how Jesus can be God manifest in flesh when God is an omnipresent Spirit, for they do not understand it.
The Holy Spirit does know the hour of the time of the second coming for He is the Spirit of God.
It is the Son, the man Christ Jesus, the flesh, that does not know the time of the second coming.
But some people will clutch at straws to undermine Christianity, and pose questions without knowing what the Bible says.
Which the Bible says avoid foolish, and unlearned questions, for they gender to strife.
Which the Bible says that God could not overthrow the people in Canaan for they had much chariots, so an atheist jumped on it and said, see God is not all powerful.
But earlier in the Bible God said that He would not overthrow those in Canaan if the Jews feared the people of the land, for then they doubted God that He could do it, so God would not do it.
So 12 Jews were sent to spy out the land, and 10 came back with an evil report saying the people are great in number, and have many chariots, and feared, so God did not give them the land of Canaan that day, but 40 years later.
Which some people want to criticize the Bible without knowing all that it says.