It would certainly be against the Bible to assume that just because other races of people who already live on Earth are different than the race of ones birth, such as Caucasian, Asian, Islander, African, Indian, Mediterranean, Nomadic, Indian, Aboriginal, Philipino, Northamerican Indian, Inupiat, Aleut, European, people of the earth, and any interracial intermarriage children-- to assume that just because someone is of a different race or culture that they are not known by God would be a grievous offense according to the Bible.
The same would be true of other races of beings. It would also be a grievous offense to assume that those foreign to this world are not authorized in some capacity to aid humanity in some way or that they are our enemies. We people are the ones who have harmed one another against the Divine love of Christ, and this sacred earth.
I am sorry for my own offenses against others and this Oasis in space, and sins against God.