Hi Tinkerbell!
Thank you very much for being willing to listen to my suggestions. I agree with you 100% that compassion must be offered along with truth, because a huge part of my own damage was dealt by Christians who were experts at doling out truth, but knew little to nothing about how to help others carry it out. I have also run into many people like this who want understanding for themselves and their own problems, but as for anyone else, all they have to offer is the law without love, and feel they will be blessed for doing because they are speaking the truth of God.
They don't seem to realize that there is a bit more to it, because this is exactly why Jesus called out the self-proclaimed religious experts of His day.
The passage you quoted (about the Word of God being sharper than any two-edged sword - Hebrews 4:12) is one of my favorites.
But I think it must also be balanced with a few others, such as:
1. "For the letter of the law kills, but the Spirit brings life." - 2 Cor. 3:6
2. "Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the light of Christ." - Galations 6:2
3. (My personal favorite
"Woe to you, experts in the law! For you load the people with heavy burdens hard to bear, but you yourselves will not lift a finger to help lighten their loads." - Luke 11:46
The church is filled with people who, if a man were standing on the ledge of a building waiting to jump, would show "the love of Christ" by shouting Bible passages at him about how much he was sinning and that murder (of self) would be breaking one of the most crucial 10 Commandments, meaning (if raised in my childhood church) that he would also immediately go to hell.
Now, I'm certainly not saying we should throw out any or all of God's commandments (because then we swing the other direction and become people who use grace to excuse sin, which is just as wrong), but I am always dumbfounded when I come across church members (from my own life - I am NOT at all saying you are like this, Tinkerbell - it's just an example), who seem to have no clue as to how to actually deal with living, breathing, feeling people, and always shout out memorized passages/laws by default.
Maybe that man is standing on that ledge because his mother died of cancer, his wife left him for another man and took their children, he just lost his job, and he really does feel as if there's nothing else to live for.
So the question then becomes, how can we as Christians, handle this with both truth, compassion, and real-live action that shows we are willing to help this man with his burdens? It's certainly not something only one person can do (but one person can most certainly be a start), and it's going to take a lot more work, time, and effort than just throwing cookie cutter Scriptures at the poor guy.
Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge," and most seem to interpret this as a need to study, break down, and memorize more Bible passages, which I personally believe is, of course, a very crucial part of the puzzle, but not the only piece.
The Bible also says, "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding" - Proverbs 4:7.
I personally believe that while wisdom is the Word of God, understanding is how to apply it, and these can be two very different things to master.
For example, a doctor can be at the top of his field, but if his bedside manner is terrible and he can't communicate or work well with either his colleagues or his patients, all that knowledge just goes to waste.
I would suggest asking God if He even wants you to say something to her about her weight to begin with. One of the things I learned inadvertently during counseling was the importance of working to discern causes vs. symptoms. The problems your friend is having with eating might be a symptom of all the other issues she's having in her life. Maybe what she really needs first before addressing the weight issue is to seek help for herself and her family to start addressing what's causing the fights and cutting. If the root causes are dealt with on a deeper level, usually the symptoms won't go away or will just manifest in other, sometimes even more destructive behaviors.
And, don't feel like you have to do it all by yourself, Tinkerbell. God gifts us in different ways so that we can work together.
I admire you for both recognizing that compassion is more of a struggle for you and then also working to show more of it - that's awesome!!!
I am going to pray that God will send others into this woman's life as well, to pray for her and offer her words of both truth and understanding, and that you all might be able to help make her burden a little lighter (and that God will send you people to help you with your own burdens as well.)
Thank you very much for allowing me to give my perspective, and for sharing yours.
God bless you for showing the person both truth and compassion, and please keep us posted!