Ephesians 2:15 Having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of the commandments contained in ORDINANCES; ....
Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ORDINANCES that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;
The first covenant had to be "removed" to make room for the 2nd, better one. The Law, written in stone, and had to be followed 'PERFECTLY', if it wasn't there was no heaven. (break one you break them all). The Crucifixion, the blood of Jesus made it THROUGH BELIEF in HIM that we got into heaven NOT by our ability to follow the Law.(no longer of works). If we died with a bit of sin, Jesus blood covered it, HIS GRACE.
THE LAW was and still is good. The Law describes for us who GOD is. WHAT He is about and WHAT He is looking for in us. How do WE please HIM. In order to make it LESS about what we DID and more about WHO WE ARE, it had to go through a change. Jesus is that change.
Before Jesus as the Lamb of God, (the last blood sacrifice) sin was only forgiven through an animal blood sacrifice. There were many statutes and ordinances that had to be performed. There were priests that had to perform those duties. They also were the ones who spoke to God for us. The whole process took lots of time. We stayed in that state of sin until it was accomplished. How long can we remain in that sinless state while in the flesh? (can we know what GRACE consists of if we don't know what those processes were?)
The crucifixion of our Lord and Savoir did many things. Jesus, the Lamb of God, without spot or blemish, became that "blood sacrifice" for ALL. One Perfect Lamb, one last blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of REPENTED of sin. So gone were all the "rituals" or statutes and ordinances that went along with the old way.
Jesus also "rent" the veil. What this means for us was instead of going through a priest, we could now, through repentance, and the blood of Christ talk to God ourselves. We could stay in a "clean, washed" state more of the time. There is no more waiting to be forgiven. Upon our repentance, we are washed clean again.
What is Sin? Sin is transgression of the Law. Jesus said He came to fulfill the law, it was the blood sacrifice of the law and all the other things He stated. (Example - circumcision now of the heart, not flesh (blood), - He is our rest EVERYDAY, not just one day)... When He said He didn't so much as change a "jot or tittle" it meant that ALL the parts that WEREN'T changed through HIM, and through HIS suffering and death on the Cross REMAINED INTACT now written upon the heart. (no longer written in stone) What used to just cast a shadow, (just an outline), what once was our "schoolmaster", became through His walk in the flesh, the example of how it is done making it MORE detailed for us, not less.
This is my first post here. PLEASE let me know what rules I have broken and how to fix them so I can find my way with the least amount of trouble. Thank you