Our pages are his. We share on them thankfully. The answer isn't always pharmaceutical and we want others to know that often he has given us other sometimes better options.
Osteo & Rheumatoid Arthritis. Degenerative Joint & disc disease are incurable. Opioids aren't a cure as they just numb the pain and ruin the bowels No thanks. I may need them some day but not today.
If you have Rheumatoid Arthritis, there are many meds, totally unconnected to opioids, that can hit the autoimmune system and target the runaway attacks on the joints, and organs. It is not a cure, but it does help with the pain and stops deformities.
I have had severe RA for 23 years. I am so bad without DMARDs and biologics, that I cannot get out of bed to go to the bathroom, if the meds fail. I've been through almost all of them, but many have worked well.
You need to see your doctor if you are not on meds. The DMARDs are "Disease Modifying, Anti Rheumatic drugs." They include Plaquenil, methotrexate, Arava and Sulfasalazine. The biologics are a byproduct of live bacterial, and they attack things like the B cells, the T cells, Interleukin 6 or 1, TNF cells, etc. Different people respond different. The biologics are very expensive in the US if you do not have drug coverage. But certainly, you could start with a DMARD.
I was an alcoholic bar musician before God saved me. When he saved me, he told me to stop drinking. I have never had another drink in 39 years. God just took away the desire.But he left me with lots of other things to work on! I praise God for saving and delivering me!