Hello again SimpleGardner, I also have researched this subject. How does one not receive a SSN? Could this mark of the beast not also be some future technology signifying buying and selling ability? I mean must it not somehow point to the first-day Sabbath?
One more detail, the below is taken from: "SSN - The Mark of The Beast"
To end the American Revolution, King George III (as he authorized the United
States to exist in the Treaty of Parisin 1783) retained Title over the Holy Roman
Empire and the United States of America as "Arch-Treasurer" and "Prince
Elector." Yes, the Holy Roman Empire is explicitly mentioned as the Treaty's
authority to allow the U.S. to exist. This is consistent with the Biblical Beast
• The Secretary of the Treasury issues Social Security Cards. The Secretary of the
Treasury is not an Officer of the U.S. Government. He is the Arch-Treasurer of
the Holy Roman Empire, just like the Treaty says
• The U.S. went Bankrupt on March 4, 1933.
• On March 9, 1933, domestic transactions were removed from the exclusions to
the 1917 Trading with the Enemy Act(40 Stat L. 411, Subdivision "b" of Section
5). "Trading with the Enemy" is always illegal. Prior to March 9, 1933 domestic
transactions were always legal. After March 9, 1933 all domestic transactions are
illegal. We are the enemy of the Roman occupation forces. Again: trading with
the enemy is always illegal, but now our domestic trading is with the enemy of
our foreign masters. Domestic transactions can now be regulated and punished. I
repeat: domestic transactions are illegal. NO MAN MIGHT BUY OR SELL. It
is illegal to buy or sell in unless your transactions are with a surrendered person.
Guess who has surrendered.
• The multinational authority that is already pre-authorized by the U.S. Congress to
control your buying and selling with "actions, regulations, rules, licenses, orders
and proclamations heretofore or hereafter taken ..." is the very same
multinational authority that issues Social Security Cards. Title 12 United States
Code, Section 95(b)gives the Secretary of the Treasury complete power over us.
Whatever drastic actions he wants to take to control us are already authorized by
law. His actions "heretofore or hereafter taken" have already been pre-approved
by Congress in 1933. (This all fits nicely with Rev 13:10 "if anyone is to go into
• The Social Security Act has no provision for a Trust Fund or Insurance. In fact, it
would be unconstitutional if it had a Trust Fund according to Davis v. Boston, 89
F2d 368. Even the Supreme Court says that there is never a contractual obligation
to pay Social Security benefits because no one has a contracted right to benefits
(Fleming v. Nestor, 363 US 603).
• It is the official U.S. Government policy that only federal welfare applicants are
required to have Social Security Numbers. I've included a Chapter citing allthe
court cases requiring people to get SS numbers, and all cases are for welfare
Applicants. And I have another Chapter with Constitutional proofs that it cannot
be otherwise.
• Social Security Numbers are only for federal welfare Applicants. No law has ever
required a worker to get a Social Security Number. Neither has a court ever
required a worker to get a Social Security Number. According to Title 26, Code of
Federal Regulations, Section 31.3402(p)"... furnishing Form W-4 shall constitute
a request for withholding." U.S. Citizens were not subject to withholding
according to the recently repealed Title 26 Code of Federal Regulations Section
1.1441-5entitled: "Claiming to be a person not subject to withholding."
• Even the Social Security Administration admits that it is unaware of any law or
regulation requiring the Social Security Number to be used for employment
• It is highly unlikely that you ever qualified for a Social Security Number. Social
Security Act, Section 205(c)(2)(B)(i)allows Social Security Cards to be issued to
those who need government funds. The Application for a Social Security Card is
an Application to become a Ward of Government. You signed a financing
statement whereby they agree to finance your benefits in exchange for something.
This can be upheld in any court.
• Once you voluntarily ask to be a Ward of your Masters, you are chained to their
chain of command. While you are in their house, you obey their rules. No matter
how abhorrent or repugnant their rules become. The Supreme Court in the
Ashwander case said that anyone who takes federal benefits cannot challenge
their rules. Caesar has become lord. You cannot obey two Masters.
• By asking to be a Ward of the Government, you've created a host of providers to
regulate you, judge you, and be your savior.