After being born again, do we all take on the same personalities and characteristics? Pastor is teaching on being of "one accord" and the practice of oneness..I often call myself shy, reserved, passive, soft...Pastor says these are all just excuses put in my head by the devil and that I need to be following my example, who is him, the pastor. He is aggressive and bold. Since I was born again, we are all supposed to be the same, we are all to be bold and aggressive. We are all made in God's image and God was not soft or reserved, so why do I think it is okay to remain the way I am and was before being born again, is what I keep getting asked.
We used to sing a song many many years ago.
Jesus take me as I am.
I can come no other way.
Take me deeper into you.
Make my flesh life melt away.
Make me like a precious stone.
Crystal clear and finely honed.
Life of Jesus shining through.
Giving glory back to you.
He accepted you as you were/are when you came to him.
If you look at the above lyrics this is what we should aim for.
Just look at the sorry bunch who Jesus chose, yet we see what they went on to do.
My friend he will use you as your are, he will work in you to conform you to his image.
Not the image of your pastor.
IMO your pastor is bang out of order in what he said to you.
Seek Jesus and ask him where you need to change.
He will reveal it to you.
When he does he will bring about the change he wants to do in you.