So you never sin?
You never sin in any way?
You never sin in word, deed, or thought?
You are sinlessly perfect in every way?
You never sin in any way?
You never sin in word, deed, or thought?
You are sinlessly perfect in every way?
The bible says, you WERE a sinner b4 you came to Christ, but after Christ came into your heart through the word of God, you ARE, present tense, the righteousness of God. And your righteousness is not your own, but Christ in you.
It doesn't have anything to do with me ever having sinned in my life, but who is in me, because as it is written, AS CHRIST IS IN ME, SO AM I IN THIS WORLD.
Are you going to call Christ a sinner?
Then how can you call me or perhaps yourself as sinner?
You CANNOT be both the righteousness of God and a sinner simultaneously.
A sinner is about the same as a son of belial, it is the reciprocal of someone who is just.
1. One that has voluntarily violated the divine law; a moral agent who has voluntarily disobeyed any divine precept, or neglected any known duty.
2. It is used in contradistinction to saint, to denote an unregenerate person; one who has not received the pardon of his sins.
3. AN offender; a criminal.
As for sinning, God only imputes sin when someone knowingly does wrong or violates their conscience, NOT when they don't know.
If your conscience is clear when you do something, then you are good with God.
But if you do something you think is wrong, EVEN IF IT IS NOT, like eating meat or pork, then God will impute that act as sin.
Why do you think Paul was alive once AND THEN DIED AFTER he received knowledge of the law.
Why do you think children, though they are not born again and do wrong, still go to heaven when they die at an early age.
God does not hold them accountable UNTIL they are grown.
So if I am obedient to what I believe I am led to do and do not violate my conscience, then no, I don't sin, and I certainly am not a sinner.