Perhaps most believe and have argued that repentance of ones' sins is required for salvation, and at least myself, say otherwise.
I don't know if anyone else believes as I do.
I suppose the issue of repentance revolves around the subject of God's forgiveness for the sinner.
I believe repentance is not necessary for salvation but what side of the subject do the scriptures support?
If a person does not repent of their sins, and is not truly sorry for what they have done in the past that was wrong, and does not turn from sins, hating sins, and not wanting to do sins, then how are they any different than the heathen, and how are the compatible with the operation of God, that He is good, which He said, be ye holy, for I am holy, and the operation of the kingdom of God that it is true love, which Paul said love does not think an evil thought, and does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.
But of course you probably believe that we have to go about doing good, hating evil, so you must think it is an automatic condition in our life that our sins are forgiven, so why repent.
But there has to be a participation on our part to confess that we do not want sin anymore, and turn from them, which is repentance, for if not then it would seem like we do not have to be sorry for what we did if we did not repent of our sins.
Which the Bible says that godly sorrow works repentance.
John's baptism was unto repentance, but did not save, for only Jesus can save.
Jesus preached repentance to the Jews, and said if the Jews do not repent then it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah at the day of judgment.
God said He commands all people everywhere to repent.
The Bible says pray without ceasing.
But the truth is if it is not necessary for us to repent, take participation on our part concerning our sins, then there is no need to pray for anything in our life, for God would take care of that without our participation in it.
If we do not have to repent, then we would not have to pray for other people, pray for ourselves, pray that God will provide our needs, pray to increase our faith, and spiritual walk with Christ, for it would be automatically taken care of without us praying for anything.
Which the Bible says ask and you shall receive, and Jesus taught the disciples how they should pray, so we have to pray for things, so we have to repent, for it is not going to happen unless we participate concerning those things to want it first, before God will do it.
Which if we do not have to repent, and we do not have to pray.
The Bible says that everyone that calleth on the name of the Lord shall be saved, which the confession of our mouth is what saves us, not that it is an automatic thing in our life that Christ works in us, but we did not have to confess Him.
If we do not have to repent then the whole world is saved.
If we offend a person do we say nothing to the person, and say we are sorry for offending them, but it is automatically alright on the part of the person we offended without saying anything.
When we sin we offend God, and His holiness, so we have to say we are sorry, and repent, not wanting to do it again.
But of course if we are living for Christ we repented whether a person says we do not have to repent, or not, and if we are led of the Spirit we hate sin, and do not want it, which we turned away from sins, then we repented whether a person believes we have to repent, or not.
It is only when we hold unto sin that we have not repented.
But anytime you hate sin, and turn from it, not wanting it, and sorry for your sins, you have repented whether you say anything to God to ask for forgiveness, and you repent, or you say nothing, but the truth is you are thinking it even if you do not say the words, for how can you not.
But God still wants us to communicate with Him concerning repentance when we sin, even though He will forgive, the same as He wants us to communicate with Him concerning praying for ourselves, and others, even though He already knows what we need, and what people need.
And then there are some people that beat themselves up mentally concerning their sins, for they look at themselves as no good because of them, and not worthy, although they asked God for repentance, which is something they should not do, for you repent, and move on, for all is forgiven and off your record, and if God is not against you for it anymore, why are you against yourself for it.
And some people beat themselves up mentally because of temptation, as they think they have to be so holy that they cannot even be tempted, which we will be tempted, and temptation is not a sin.
Like I heard a pastor say that he almost let temptations beat him down, for it bothered him, but do not think it is strange when you are tempted, for it happens to everybody.