Vegemite - The Real Story:
Australian beer makers noticed they had a lot of weird sludge left over, after making the beer.
Instead of paying to haul the sludge to the dump, they decided, "Hey, maybe we can make something out of this, and sell it."
So they added spices and vegetable extract, till it wasn't too horrible, and packaged it as a sandwich spread... and then sold it to mums for children's lunches.
Most Australians have grown up eating this weird beer sludge mixed with veggies... and it's become an entrenched part of their culture.
It's supposed to be brimming with vitamins.
I'm not sure if it really is, or if that's mostly marketing hype.
But Australians love the stuff, and the rest of the world thinks it's the weirdest thing since chocolate covered ants.
All cultures have their own weird things... that's fine.
And hey, at least Australians aren't eating haggis.