I think so also...Emotions lie to us...
If my emotions are true to Gods word , then I know my emotions are in the right place , after all , God gave us tears to cry , and tears to rejoice...
I remember before I was saved , I would watch T,V and cry over the scenes in a soap opera , and yet things going on around me in the world did not move me...
I know why I cry over my son , God collects them tears , if I cried over reality T,V he would not lol...
God gave us emotions for His sake , to laugh , cry and rejoice in Him...All the glory to God I say ...xox...
I thought I would comment on this.
Emotions are merely flags in our experience. They are not lying or telling the truth.
If you get hit by a ball it hurts. The hurt just tells you it hurts and damage has been done.
It is up to ourselves to work out whether this is a problem, what the context is and what we
want to do in response.
So emotions are never taking the lead, they are just telling us how we are reacting to things.
You need to then work out why and react appropriately. Crying about a film is fine, but because
of a real tragedy in ones own life is quite different.
Freedom comes when we know the triggers and know how in Christ to respond appropriately.
What our bodies and our past does to us, emotionally, is something that can change and become
in Christ something different, like a child learning another way of being. That is the freedom in
Christ and the Spirit He is leading us into. God bless you