Oh I must admit I did lol...
But I took my sorry tail and fell into the book , where I knew God would show me His truth...
Then after a while , I could stick my head in the forum and make little tiny post relating to the word , and then I came in more because I was so sure what God was showing me was His truth , and getting replies back without the statements that I had the cart before the horse gave me more confidence that I was on the right path...
Dcon scared me lol , I thought he did not like me one bit , now I see how passionate he is , just like you and many of my brothers and sisters in Christ in here...
I have learned so much from you all because you do not waver , and I love you all dearly , and brother Bill who was so tender with me , and nnm who is my baby brother , and I love them to , and so many lol...xox...