How do most people define "Easy Believism?" Merely believe "mental assent" that Jesus exists and presto, you are saved, even though you continue to live like the devil, or something like that?
What about Lordship Salvation? I've heard advocates of that doctrine say that it's not enough to believe in Jesus (John 3:15,16,18), but one must "completely" surrender to His Lordship in order to be saved. Then of course, "completely" surrender to His Lordship ranges anywhere from reaching full maturity in Christ to sinless perfection.
What about Hard Believism? That salvation is by grace through faith and is not by works is not hard to understand. It's just hard to ACCEPT. I've heard certain anti-OSASers say that continuing to believe/remain in the faith is an extremely difficult burden that most Christians will surely fail to do and the Lord will simply allow them to slip through His hands.