What if both have opinions that are diametrically opposed, and they both validate with scripture? Are they both right? Or, are they victims of confirmation bias, and interpret scripture according to preconceptions?
Maybe give an example...as with calvinists and arminists, they both partially right, and part wrong so there must be middle ground between them. They need that missing third scripture I suppose.
The thing is, one shouldnt even ask for opinions here. Ask for scripture first, peoples opinions are purely secondary. If someones goes to the word of God and posts a scripture, it will be right no matter what their own personal opinion or interpretation is on the matter.
Then after finding that scripture, meditate on it, read the passage in context and ask God to show you more if you dont quite understand it.
Dont do it backwards and ask for an opinion and then go look at scripture that fits that opinion. That's just stupid, it would be like 'ive got an opinion that the lake of fire is in the sun' and then look up all the scriptures that say the sun is burning with fire and then say haha scripture validates my opinion.
Anyway..the last question as to what happens to the lake of fire, well, rev 21:1 does state 'and there was no more sea' keep reading and it shows you there is a fountain coming out from the throne of God which has the water of life. All those unbelievers have second death in the lake of fire..they have no access to this. They are outside the holy city.
The sea giving up its dead...is this possibly the dead sea. You might think so..obviously named!!. Look in the OT prophecies esp zecahariah, zephaniah and ezekel that also reveal this vision of the river coming out of the throne of God...it is fresh water, not salt. It goes forth and cleanses everything. There are going to be some earth moving things happening when Jesus returns!
In Genesis have a look at origninal creation, in eden, there were four rivers watering the garden. Later when the flood came, and destroyed everything, the sea level rose a great deal. In fact it was so catstrophic, lands were divided, the earth tilted on its axis, this is why we have seasons.