That is why I said that the speeds of the stars are approximate, because the current lying map of the world does not take into account the sun rising and going down. The current lying map of the world, an azimuthal map of the world with the geographical North Pole as the center, is not the “flat earth” map that everyone believes it is; because it is just a map of the world, with all of the places mapped out on a flat surface, with their lying latitudes and longitudes; coming from a lying system of latitude and longitude, as if we were on a globe, spinning; and the sun were 93 million miles away. It is a lying system of latitude and longitude because due east and due west do (extended) circles instead of straight lines; and due south is off by 45° clockwise, among other things. The latitudes and longitudes in that system are lying, because again, they do not take into effect the rising and going down of the sun; therefore their placement in that lying system of latitude and longitude is a lie.
Now on a globe, a half of a line of longitude equals a quarter of the Longitude 0° line (the claimed Equator); in distance (6,214.20903 statute miles). And on a globe all lines of longitude are claimed to be straight. But they are not (on a true map of the world, my map). The only two lines of longitude that are straight are the Longitude 135° W and the Longitude 045° E; and both of those are different lengths. They are both straight because the shorter, the Longitude 135° W line always sees the sun doing a perfect half circle, as it goes over the north; at the same speed and altitude. The longer, the Longitude 045° E line, always sees the sun as it begins to rise in the east; speeding up as it rises, and extending it’s course outward until it gets to the south; and then once as it passes over due south (on that Longitude 045° E line), it begins to contract it’s course inward, in the same way that it extended it; and slow down, in the same (mirror image) way that it sped up, all the way until it gets to (sets in) the west; where it goes out of view. It perfectly divides the rising and going down of the sun. That is why both of them are straight. The reason the Longitude 045° E line is longer than the Longitude 135° W line, is because by extending it’s course outward when it begins to rise in the east, when the sun passes over the Longitude 045° E line at due south, it is much further away from the claimed geographical North Pole at that moment, than when it goes back around to the north (12 hours later) and goes over the Longitude 135° W line (at due north); because it closed it’s course, and therefore got closer to the center of the world, the claimed geographical North Pole, when it went down in the west.
The Longitude 135° W and the Longitude 045° E are the only two straight lines of longitude on a globe, because as I said earlier about Australia, every place in the world that is not on the Longitude 135° W and the Longitude 045° E lines, sees the sun partly as it rises or goes down, and as it goes over the north doing its perfect half circle; from sunrise to sunset. That means that running through every place of the world, outside of the Longitude 135° W and the Longitude 045° E lines, the lines of longitude actually make an arc, instead of a straight line, from the geographical South Pole (which does not exist, so from the ends of the earth) to the claimed geographical North Pole as they run through those places. This makes them longer than they are claimed to be, which is a reason why the distance of a half of a line of longitude is claimed to be equal to a quarter of the Latitude 0° line (the claimed Equator)(and a line of longitude is claimed to be equal to a half of the Latitude 0° line [the claimed Equator]; and so on). And they make an arc because imagine if you were flying in your plane from the claimed geographical South Pole, that is actually in the northeast, to the claimed geographical North Pole. Along that flight, that you believe is a straight line, is not. And it is not, because once you leave the claimed geographical South Pole, you are not flying directly toward the claimed geographical North Pole; you are flying to the left of it. And you will continue to fly to the left of it for the whole trip, making an arc, until you finally get to the claimed geographical North Pole and fly over it; having made an arc the entire time. And you will have made an arc the entire time, because everywhere you fly over, all have a specific time of solar noon (if they can see the sun; and even if they can’t, it is calculated for when they can); which calculates what direction true north (called “true” north in navigation, which means the direction of where the geographical North Pole is from you at that moment, giving you the “true” north; but there is nothing true about it) is. But since true north, over the lying globe (because there is no globe), in the lying system of latitude and longitude (lying, because it is calculating your position as if it were over a [lying] sphere globe, which does not account for the sun rising and going down every day, and as if the sun were passing equally over that [lying] sphere globe every day) does not point toward the claimed geographical North Pole (except for on the Longitude 135° W and the Longitude 045° E lines), it points toward the dividing line of when the sun is first seen and last seen on the horizon every day, and the sun is rising and going down over the south, extending it’s course wider over the world as it goes over the south, causing the sun to be seen for much longer in the sky every day than it otherwise would if the sun were doing a perfect circle over the world, that is why you will be flying to the left of the geographical North Pole for the entire time of your flight; until you pass over it.
Looking at my map of the course of the sun, in comment #66 above, you can see that coming from the ends of the earth, all of the lines of longitude in the east make an arc toward the claimed west, and all of the lines of longitude in the west make an arc toward the claimed east, instead of a straight line, while going toward the claimed geographical North Pole.
In your video, if they were to fly straight from Berlin to the claimed geographical North Pole, and back, they would not be flying a straight line. They would be flying an arc to the claimed east, both ways (flying longer than they should).
That is why the German ship Schwabenland was anchored in Longitude 4° 30’ W in 1939, and why Mirny Station, Antarctica was built on Longitude 093° 00’ 20.43” E. From Latitude 69° 14’ S Longitude 4° 30’ W it is much closer of a direct flight (almost a direct flight) to the (center of the) southwest edge of the world (Latitude 90° S [which is known as Latitude 76.5° S] Longitude 0°), than to have anchored on the Longitude 0° line; which curves to the claimed east from Latitude 90° S to the claimed geographical North Pole (Latitude 90° N). And from Latitude 66° 33’ 5.79” S Longitude 093° 00’ 20.43” E, it is much closer of a direct flight (almost a direct flight) to the (center of the) southeast edge of the world (Latitude 90° S [which is known as Latitude 76.5° S] Longitude 090° E), than to have built it on the Longitude 090° E line; which curves to the claimed west from Latitude 90° S to the claimed geographical North Pole (Latitude 90° N).
Glory to God.