You can not prove that tongues in many church has anythign to do with 1 cor 12. Or 14. So if thats all you have, then you are lacking, because what we have is a interpretational issue.
I have seen tongues used in the NT, we have wintess to them, I have also seen prophesy all through scrioture. We again see proof of them. Just because they happened then does nto mean they happen today. And what I have witnessed looks NOTHING like what was happening back then.
But if you want to ATTACK, BELITTLE tell me I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OR NEVER WENT TO SCHOOl or all the other stuff I have seen you do to people who diagree with you. Then you are no better than the people who would rather divide and destroy churches over insignificnt doctrines such as age of the earth, End times prophesy. Should we be allowed to wear jeans in church, or is drinking an alcoholic beverage a sin even if we do not get drunk, are. Its just wrong
If you diagree, disagree,,