Fear that God will leave us is your foundational denial. I did not know this, thanks for telling me.
How much did it cost Jesus to die for us? Everything within Him, His pride, His status, His honour,
His truth, His position, His rights, His ownership, His submission, His defence, His pain, His dignity.
He did this all so that we might have life. He did it to show we are completely safe in Him if we
listen and obey and just take one step at a time towards His will and His ways.
If you are in repentance and in Him there is no fear, it is taken away, you are safe.
It is not difficult to get here, it is through repentance, turning from sin to righteousness,
asking God to forgive you and walking in His way trusting in the cross for forgiveness of our sins.
And one step at a time He changes us, from one state of glory to the next.
Now if our fear is to deny Jesus our hearts, to stop healing of sins of hatred, bitterness, envy,
jealousy, resentment etc. then we stop Him saving us, stop the work to bring us to the point
of His likeness and the goal of salvation. So here is the tension, are we prepared to die and
let Him in or fight until we meet face to face and find ourselves condemned of the sin we
refused to give up and the heart to be cleansed. Is this price worth it, when Jesus offers
us so much more in Him?