By Dr. J.M. Strawn and oldhermit.
I. Incline to the Lowest Element, 18-32
What I want to do in 18-32 is two-fold.
First, I want us to read these verses as if Paul were talking just to us, to our society, to our nation, to our culture. I want us to read these verses as if God is making these accusations directly against us and weigh our current state of affairs against these accusations.
Second, I want to focus on the disease rather than the symptoms. What I have noticed is that most people who read or teach this segment of chapter one, generally tend to focus on this list of recorded sins, with particular emphasis on the sin of homosexuality, and this is all well and good. It is very important that the types of behaviors be addressed and confronted so, I am certainly not criticizing this approach to these verses but, focusing our attention on these sins does absolutely nothing to address the heart of the issue. All this does is treat the symptoms and leaves the disease untouched and intact.
All of the sins cataloged in this segment, including the sin of homosexuality are not the problem, they are merely a symptom of a much deeper problem. What I want to do is attack the disease at its nucleus by generalizing to some of the fundamental principles that create these types of behaviors that led to the four stages of terminal social decline.
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.”
A. In these verses we can generalize first to the fact that the suppression of the human conscience is fundamentally necessary for the reversal of a revealed standard of morality. If you want to separate morality from the minds of people, you must first sear the conscience against all moral standards. And this begins with an assault on revealed standards.
The reduction of human existence to its lowest element suppresses even the most obvious knowledge of what is right and wrong and it does this through the suppression of the human conscience. Our social conscience has become so badly deteriorated that we are no longer even able to distinguish the difference between male and female in this country. This is one of the most basic and obvious truths of the natural world. Truth does not get much more basic than this.
1. Paul begins by presenting an epistemology of godlessness and wickedness which is brought about by the rejection of controlled behavior. This is man's refusal to be controlled by the will of God.
With the rejection of revealed truths, man has chosen to embrace his own conscience as an instrument of truth. “Whatever is right for you is right so let no one judge you for what you do.” This has become the battle cry of the progressive mind. This elevation of human reason and knowledge has become the standard by which man determines what he believes is true. What behavior he believes is acceptable. When the human conscience is not held in check by revealed knowledge, then it becomes an epistemology of its own. What this means is that human reason and experience have become our metric for measuring truth.
2. Paul also, says that creation stands as a symbol designed to refer the mind of man back to the reality and power of God, 20. Man's observation of the universe is intended to create an awareness of three things.
Recognition of the attributes of God is so fundamentally important to man's understanding of his place in the universe that God has revealed this information at the most basic level, by placing this evidence within creation itself. The function of the universe then in respect to man is pedagogical. It instructs us about God. Even creation testifies to the reality, power, wisdom, and nature of God, and Paul says this is perceived by the human conscience. That information is discernible by observation of the universe. Since this is true, we need to be very careful about how we guard the human conscience.
I think this has a lot to say about how parents are to nurture and protect the conscience of their children. The installation of core values is well and good and necessary, but it is no substitute for a trained conscience, because if the conscience does not hold then neither will the core values.
I. Incline to the Lowest Element, 18-32
What I want to do in 18-32 is two-fold.
First, I want us to read these verses as if Paul were talking just to us, to our society, to our nation, to our culture. I want us to read these verses as if God is making these accusations directly against us and weigh our current state of affairs against these accusations.
Second, I want to focus on the disease rather than the symptoms. What I have noticed is that most people who read or teach this segment of chapter one, generally tend to focus on this list of recorded sins, with particular emphasis on the sin of homosexuality, and this is all well and good. It is very important that the types of behaviors be addressed and confronted so, I am certainly not criticizing this approach to these verses but, focusing our attention on these sins does absolutely nothing to address the heart of the issue. All this does is treat the symptoms and leaves the disease untouched and intact.
All of the sins cataloged in this segment, including the sin of homosexuality are not the problem, they are merely a symptom of a much deeper problem. What I want to do is attack the disease at its nucleus by generalizing to some of the fundamental principles that create these types of behaviors that led to the four stages of terminal social decline.
“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures.”
A. In these verses we can generalize first to the fact that the suppression of the human conscience is fundamentally necessary for the reversal of a revealed standard of morality. If you want to separate morality from the minds of people, you must first sear the conscience against all moral standards. And this begins with an assault on revealed standards.
The reduction of human existence to its lowest element suppresses even the most obvious knowledge of what is right and wrong and it does this through the suppression of the human conscience. Our social conscience has become so badly deteriorated that we are no longer even able to distinguish the difference between male and female in this country. This is one of the most basic and obvious truths of the natural world. Truth does not get much more basic than this.
1. Paul begins by presenting an epistemology of godlessness and wickedness which is brought about by the rejection of controlled behavior. This is man's refusal to be controlled by the will of God.
With the rejection of revealed truths, man has chosen to embrace his own conscience as an instrument of truth. “Whatever is right for you is right so let no one judge you for what you do.” This has become the battle cry of the progressive mind. This elevation of human reason and knowledge has become the standard by which man determines what he believes is true. What behavior he believes is acceptable. When the human conscience is not held in check by revealed knowledge, then it becomes an epistemology of its own. What this means is that human reason and experience have become our metric for measuring truth.
2. Paul also, says that creation stands as a symbol designed to refer the mind of man back to the reality and power of God, 20. Man's observation of the universe is intended to create an awareness of three things.
Recognition of the attributes of God is so fundamentally important to man's understanding of his place in the universe that God has revealed this information at the most basic level, by placing this evidence within creation itself. The function of the universe then in respect to man is pedagogical. It instructs us about God. Even creation testifies to the reality, power, wisdom, and nature of God, and Paul says this is perceived by the human conscience. That information is discernible by observation of the universe. Since this is true, we need to be very careful about how we guard the human conscience.
I think this has a lot to say about how parents are to nurture and protect the conscience of their children. The installation of core values is well and good and necessary, but it is no substitute for a trained conscience, because if the conscience does not hold then neither will the core values.