Romans 8. I thought I posted this to you already, but maybe not. I have three dogs demanding attention this evening and is hard to keep focus.
The ISV states it as we are no longer under the control of our human nature but under the control of Holy Spirit if Messiah is within us. Our nature is changed by our new birth.
If God says we are dead to the nature of sin, then we put faith in His speaking truth that releases the power of Holy Spirit in our life.
That's the way of faith. It's a substance actually in the supernatural realm, when Father sees us exercising our trust in believing Him, (this substance) He is pleased and releases the end result of that trust. What we are asking for.
This is the obedience of faith.
In Hebrews 12 it there is speaking of endurance against sin. The desire is holiness. The truth is we are made Holy by the blood of the Lamb. We put our trust in this truth and resist temptation. Father sees that substance and empowers us through Holy Spirit and here is where the wonderful gift of our prayer language is our help.
The anointing of God is not only power, but enjoyment. Righteous living, being clean by the Word is peaceful, pleasurable....and the so called pleasures of the world spirit, or flesh cannot be compared.
Then....we have an enemy. And he lies. Who will we believe?
So the truth is...we are Spirit....greater with Him....then what we were in Adam. Flesh.
Which do you believe you are?
The ISV states it as we are no longer under the control of our human nature but under the control of Holy Spirit if Messiah is within us. Our nature is changed by our new birth.
If God says we are dead to the nature of sin, then we put faith in His speaking truth that releases the power of Holy Spirit in our life.
That's the way of faith. It's a substance actually in the supernatural realm, when Father sees us exercising our trust in believing Him, (this substance) He is pleased and releases the end result of that trust. What we are asking for.
This is the obedience of faith.
In Hebrews 12 it there is speaking of endurance against sin. The desire is holiness. The truth is we are made Holy by the blood of the Lamb. We put our trust in this truth and resist temptation. Father sees that substance and empowers us through Holy Spirit and here is where the wonderful gift of our prayer language is our help.
The anointing of God is not only power, but enjoyment. Righteous living, being clean by the Word is peaceful, pleasurable....and the so called pleasures of the world spirit, or flesh cannot be compared.
Then....we have an enemy. And he lies. Who will we believe?
So the truth is...we are Spirit....greater with Him....then what we were in Adam. Flesh.
Which do you believe you are?
If it is possible to not stay in faith, to stumble, to be lost, then we are not spirit, we have a spirit.
Let me just pursue this idea. I have been transformed equally as yourself. So why do I disagree with
you, and find I can follow, love and fulfil in love the promise Jesus provides. And why do people hate
me so much, just declaring following is possible, not perfectly, not saying I have achieved being perfect
like Jesus, but following.
The reason is because it is a deception, and makes enemies from people who claim to know Jesus yet
refuse to follow, or listen to Him or know what continual repentance and grace really are.
The foundation of Jesus is simple. Do you love His commands? Do you see life in them?
Do they force you to face the need for cleansing within, and struggling with passions and direction?
If the answer is no, then you need to discover who Jesus is, and humble yourself before the cross.
There is no other way to enter heaven. The reality of who we are before Him is an eternal one,
and you are lost and blind unless you see this. It is why Jesus came, and submitted to death.
If you did not kill Jesus, then your sin cannot be atoned for. It is by recognising our sin, personally,
put Him there and He said, Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing, gives us
forgiveness, real, total forgiveness, so we can walk in His ways.