I'm sorry if it sounds like that.
It wasn't meant to sound the way you portray it.
It's just the way I talk,,,if someone doesn't care for it, they're allowed not to speak to me.
I very clearly stated how I like to interact...Don't know what more I could do.
It wasn't meant to sound the way you portray it.
It's just the way I talk,,,if someone doesn't care for it, they're allowed not to speak to me.
I very clearly stated how I like to interact...Don't know what more I could do.
The Lord said to come together and reason.....if we all want to rattle our sabers who's ear will we cut off???
There are many here who are very gifted in scripture and many saints such as yourself have a zeal for the truth.
This is a very interesting subject and would like it to continue....I'm learning .....so let's proceed...
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