It has always been foremost in my faith that our Father will not allow mankind to actually destoy this earth because He will take care of that Himself, as written.
Until Jesus, Yeshua, returns mankind will continue to destroy, but never destroy all. Anyone who does not see thiswho has half my yearsis deaf and blind.
I do not refer to glbal waqrming or politically correct climate change, no, I refer to the steady march of the destruction of the destroyers mentioned in Revelation…
As for global warming.the ocean temps are rising ever so slowly, millenial glaciers have disappeared. The polar caps are melting at an alarming rate. There are droughts popping up all ove this poor tired planet. And ther is so much more. Species dying out, food supplies being destroyed by the greed of chemical compaies recreating foods with far less nutritional value than the former, more natural products.
Why there was a farmer who was sued for planting his own saved corn as his family had always practiced becuse the cornwas not of the gmo producing company.
I know that calcium has been taken out of most milk in order to useit in human-concocted health beverages. Cooking oils which are notexactly ture to nutrition have replaced the former natural sources calling themselves natural and ealthy yet altered by big buisness concerns, andso it goes.
No, I do not believe any of these activities will ever destroy the earth for thedestroyers must be here to be destroyed by Jesus (Revelatio) when He retursn.
YOu will believ what you want to believe because what you believe is true ...for you that is.