I had a chat with an atheist quite some time ago. It was a very interesting and yet a heated conversation. I had posted an image on Instagram which compared the sequence of the creation in the bible and the sequence in the big bang theory. I received many positive comments. But this one person had started a conversation which then went on as an argument but ended up very friendly.
He started off saying the bible isn't accurate and that the God of the bible doesn't exist and that these were man made stories. He debated that if God created sun, moon, stars on day 4, how can there be plants on day 3?
I replied God created light on day 1 and so there were some energy of the light spectrum still there that may have caused their growth. Also God is light Himself. That is the faith I have. With God all things are possible I said. When God said let there be light even before sun, moon and stars were created, the science says so too that there was light first just after the big bang before the sun, moon, stars came into existence, where argument becomes weak.
My statement was this. Bible is the true Word of God. In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. If the bible says so then I believe that as it says. Before everything came into existence God was there. For He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is Omnipotent Omnipresent God. God created man in His own image. He is a Loving God yet He is a Just God who judges righteously both the living and the dead. Hence He came after us even after the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden, by giving His only begotten Son for the salvation of entire mankind. This is what true love is. For very rarely someone dies for a righteous person but here Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. There is no greater Love than to lay down your life for someone. And that is what Jesus did. He died on the cross for you and me, for our sins he hung on that cross and He rose again on the third day witnessed by many, ascended into the heaven and is coming back soon.
The entire bible is a narrative of Gods plan for mankind. Its a historical book which talks about the major kingdoms that ruled the world and is so accurate to every detail when compared with that of the secular history. Its a prophetical book of which most of the prophecies have been fulfilled except a few more.
Big bang theory says from no where the universe came into existence. Is that even possible for real? If you (atheist friend I was conversing with) have parked your car in the garage and and go to bed, the next day when you go to work wont you find the car in the garage? Or you can tell me that I don't know where the car came from but its just there somehow. Now that is a lie is it not? Bible says God created the heaven and earth. So I know for sure. But this is just a theory which came in from few centuries ago by finite man. I would rather believe the Bible which is the written word of God giving account of events since 6000 years ago by an Infinite Almighty God.
If there is a creature there must be a creator. I say God is real as every living creature, the universe, mountain, ocean, trees are a proof of His creation work. They testify about God Himself. So where is the proof of non existence of God? Can it be proved? I don't think so.
The evolution theory says man evolved from monkeys. But Bible says God created mankind and all animals birds and insects. So if supposing the theory is correct, why hasn't man evolved into a new creature yet? So this is contradicting itself.
The definition of Theory in wiki - " A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking".
Theories are man made. They are not proved yet. Finite man is here today but vanishes tomorrow. Why would I believe what a man says and not God ? I believe the 100% truth of the bible and its accuracy which is from God Himself.
As a closing statement i told my atheist friend, " Alright dear friend and brother. If suppose I am wrong about God is real, in the end when I die I am not gonna lose anything because according to you there is no heaven and hell and hence no accountability. But, if you are wrong, and I am correct, that there is one true God and He is gonna judge every soul either to eternal life or eternal damnation, and that heaven and hell is real..then you are gonna be the loser without the salvation message of Jesus Christ in the bible. Hope someday the Lord speaks to you and touches you brother and friend."
Next thing came out surprising to me as he said "of all the people of the bible I have spoken or debated with you were patient and very friendly and I really enjoyed talking to you."
I praised God for that brother that night before going to bed as the incident moved me very much. I prayed that his eyes maybe opened to the knowledge of the truth of the gospel someday. For we only plant the seeds but it is God who brings forth the fruits in them.
He started off saying the bible isn't accurate and that the God of the bible doesn't exist and that these were man made stories. He debated that if God created sun, moon, stars on day 4, how can there be plants on day 3?
I replied God created light on day 1 and so there were some energy of the light spectrum still there that may have caused their growth. Also God is light Himself. That is the faith I have. With God all things are possible I said. When God said let there be light even before sun, moon and stars were created, the science says so too that there was light first just after the big bang before the sun, moon, stars came into existence, where argument becomes weak.
My statement was this. Bible is the true Word of God. In the beginning God created the heaven and earth. If the bible says so then I believe that as it says. Before everything came into existence God was there. For He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He is Omnipotent Omnipresent God. God created man in His own image. He is a Loving God yet He is a Just God who judges righteously both the living and the dead. Hence He came after us even after the fall of mankind in the garden of Eden, by giving His only begotten Son for the salvation of entire mankind. This is what true love is. For very rarely someone dies for a righteous person but here Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners. There is no greater Love than to lay down your life for someone. And that is what Jesus did. He died on the cross for you and me, for our sins he hung on that cross and He rose again on the third day witnessed by many, ascended into the heaven and is coming back soon.
The entire bible is a narrative of Gods plan for mankind. Its a historical book which talks about the major kingdoms that ruled the world and is so accurate to every detail when compared with that of the secular history. Its a prophetical book of which most of the prophecies have been fulfilled except a few more.
Big bang theory says from no where the universe came into existence. Is that even possible for real? If you (atheist friend I was conversing with) have parked your car in the garage and and go to bed, the next day when you go to work wont you find the car in the garage? Or you can tell me that I don't know where the car came from but its just there somehow. Now that is a lie is it not? Bible says God created the heaven and earth. So I know for sure. But this is just a theory which came in from few centuries ago by finite man. I would rather believe the Bible which is the written word of God giving account of events since 6000 years ago by an Infinite Almighty God.
If there is a creature there must be a creator. I say God is real as every living creature, the universe, mountain, ocean, trees are a proof of His creation work. They testify about God Himself. So where is the proof of non existence of God? Can it be proved? I don't think so.
The evolution theory says man evolved from monkeys. But Bible says God created mankind and all animals birds and insects. So if supposing the theory is correct, why hasn't man evolved into a new creature yet? So this is contradicting itself.
The definition of Theory in wiki - " A theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking".
Theories are man made. They are not proved yet. Finite man is here today but vanishes tomorrow. Why would I believe what a man says and not God ? I believe the 100% truth of the bible and its accuracy which is from God Himself.
As a closing statement i told my atheist friend, " Alright dear friend and brother. If suppose I am wrong about God is real, in the end when I die I am not gonna lose anything because according to you there is no heaven and hell and hence no accountability. But, if you are wrong, and I am correct, that there is one true God and He is gonna judge every soul either to eternal life or eternal damnation, and that heaven and hell is real..then you are gonna be the loser without the salvation message of Jesus Christ in the bible. Hope someday the Lord speaks to you and touches you brother and friend."
Next thing came out surprising to me as he said "of all the people of the bible I have spoken or debated with you were patient and very friendly and I really enjoyed talking to you."
I praised God for that brother that night before going to bed as the incident moved me very much. I prayed that his eyes maybe opened to the knowledge of the truth of the gospel someday. For we only plant the seeds but it is God who brings forth the fruits in them.
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