I'm really confused about the standards of this site. A self confessed non-Christian makes a thread about how much he lusts after "thick" Christian girls in "tight black leggings". Including a bit excessive details of his lusting.
Now he's made a thread, posted in teens, where he calls himself a "player" trying to "run game" on the Christian girls at a church and can't get anywhere so he's asking 16-21 year old girls how he can "get past their defenses". Because he, again, expresses his lust for "thick Christian girls in tight black leggings".
That thread was approved by a mod.
I reported it and it was left up.
Since reporting he has blocked his profile.
How is a post about an adult asking advice on how to have sex with underage girls from a church acceptable? And that person allowed to stay on site. Something is very wrong here.