Yesterday I concluded there was to much misunderstanding between Christians suffering persecution and the anger of God:
"The wrath of God revealed from heaven against all lukewarm and divided people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness."
I had concluded to let go of this post, but to my surprise today there was a wave of understanding from unknown soldiers, so that I had to reevaluate. This was intended to be about coming persecution against the Church prophesied for the end time of trouble.
But since there is misunderstanding with people drawn to mention the anger of God, I concluded to go along in that direction.
Now we are addressing God's anger towards those who hold the Truth and live a double life.
Jesus is making intercession for us: in a dream a man saw Jesus breaking chains that bound Him, Jesus angry and spiting out the lukewarm who think they know Him but don't and wont repent. Revelation 3:15
This man saw Jesus returning to earth angry
Part of the interpretation of the first dream:
To be seated with the Lord, is to enter into rest, to turn our will to the will of God. It's relevant that you have to get past your fear to be there: in the will of God we don't decide the outcome. The Lord is calling us to a place of maturity in Him, and spitting out the lukewarm self confident as they cant follow Him in that condition.
Part of the interpretation of second dream
Asking the Lord's will for your life and waking up from the dream: waking up is the interpretation, if we are not awake spiritually we are still living for ourselves in an illusion that wont satisfy; unprepared for the "Judgment that must begin at the house of God."
"Rejoice always, pray continually, in everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
The meaning of the crown of thorns: being rejected by those desiring control.