Hey, look, I can pretty much guarantee I am probably the most disobedient Christian on this thread. I say that lacking all sarcasm.
like I've mentioned before, (one day I will take the time to rewrite my testimony) I used to hate people avid in congregations, and people of the "cloth". I took pride in mocking them and threatening then with violence.
i never cared enough to believe to want to get on my knees and ask some stupid entity into my life that the weak need to have in their life because they need an eternal destiny because they're scared of death and need a place for their loved ones to be okay when they die.
That was me. Denying the existence of God right up to the point he knocked me off my high horse. And you wanna know something, when God took my spirit to somewhere in eternity, I didn't believe, but only doubted my unbelief. I was filled with the Holy Spirit the next morning (about 6 hrs later) and didn't even know what to label the strange occurrence until he instantaneously opened my eye's and heart to his love and righteousness. I, by the will of God had such a burning desire to know the truth that I studied mostly the new testament for 20 plus hours a day for nearly a year.
i stayed away from every spiritual book and any Bible with commentary. To this day I only use the KJV reference Bible. I only have and will always compare scripture with scripture.
in the beginning I immediately acquired a Strongest Strongs concordance.
All:s I did was study, study, study (for I was in prison)
The more I studied, the more I was getting confused on certain important issues concerning salvation.
i opened a Facebook account in Fall of 2010 and only posted scripture for fear I may thwart the truth in the word of God....So I continued studying in his drawing grace. Liberally, if I didn't study, woe was me.
The more I studied and used the wisdom given to me, just like EVERYTHING pertaining to my salvation was imputed without my desire. Imputed but not imposed because it's the best thing that will ever happen to me.
On a good close guess, I have roughly 15,000 hours studying to show myself approved and to be able to part my lips and state what the spirit has revealed to me.
i am unwavering and solid in OSAS. I believe good works are sprung from walking in the Spirit. They are not necessarily physical tasks. When I was first lit on fire in prison I . mentioned to a good friend I wanted to get out and tell the whole world about Christ. He said something that still makes perfect sense. He said"Yea, and you might even have to open your mouth" it's not for us to run around conjuring good deeds to display our faith and love towards God, when what we do is only as whole and true by the ones receiving the output of our attempts. God will open the eye's and heart of those whom he chooses to.
Don't get me wrong, it's a wonderful thing to do something out of love and appreciation to God, but if your conjuring good deeds out of necessity you will not be able to complete and wholely do it in entire love.
i have my personal beliefs that I am complete and comfortable with. I don't pray hardly at all because I don't do ritualistic month service, but when I do relent it's genuine drawing of the spirit to do so and as given once again by God, k I am humbled, appreciative, thankful for the fact that I can not but God can . make it possible to obtain his righteousness.
Ye hypocrite, ye hypocrite, ye hypocrite... countless times he said this. He also said to forgive your brother countless times. I don't think he's going for the title of hypocrite, sitting next to daddy and biting his nails that we will sin too much or not have enough good works to show what, that he was weak and unable to fulfill the will of the father? Step aside Jesus...I got this. Do you realize how silly that sounds?
it is GOD AND GOD ONLY WHO JUSTIFIES AND CONDEMNS, and there are no personal contingencies except you have faith...which...he gives.
So, this is me and my beliefs (except I don't have faith...by the grace and will of God...I KNOW!!!
PEce to you all. The peace only the truth can allow.