Judas followed Jesus for 3 years, partook in the ministry to a degree all the other disciples accepted him as
exactly like them.
It was a shock when he appeared leading the romans.
The very night of the last supper, nobody thought it was Judas the betrayer.
Why is it so hard to believe people can be so close to God yet betray Him?
Satan did. 1/3rd of heaven did.
Most believers know many in their church who they doubt know Jesus truly, and feel
they would betray Him. On this forum, in this discussion, many feel so and so is an
evil deceiver ....... So Judas is not so different from us at all, and where we are.
The pharisees saw the miracles, heard the words, saw the wisdom yet killed Jesus.
Our sin blinds us very quickly to our failures and weaknesses and judges others so
harshly we would happily see them burn in hell.
But to walk like Jesus, impossible, a deception.
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1 cor 11:1