Could it be, for an example? It would seem one purpose of appearing in human form was to demonstrate what is possible, in these mortal bodies, if one would allow the Holy Spirit to dominate our lives, instead of our carnal nature. All humans have the capacity to “increase in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”
Here is a short “old” commentary on the issue.
The last verse gives us the end of what the Scriptures reveal concerning His early years: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” In all this He is an example to us. If we would grow in grace as we grow in years we need to feed on the Word of God and to spend much time in communion with our Heavenly Father by prayer and meditation. In
Hebrews 5:11-14 the inspired writer bewails the sad fact that so many of God’s children make such slow progress in the spiritual life. After years of Christian profession they are still as babes in Christ, unable to appropriate and to digest the deeper spiritual truths of the Scriptures, but are such as need to be fed upon the milk of the Word. Paul speaks in a similar way to the Corinthian believers (
1 Corinthians 3:1-2). One evidence of spiritual babyhood is the tendency to quarrel over trivial questions, and to follow after human leaders instead of being subject to the direction of the Holy Spirit. Babies are inclined to be quarrelsome and self-willed. Some Christians manifest the same childish characteristics. Those who go on with the Lord and grow in grace and in the knowledge of Christ become increasingly like their Master. In this, as in all else that pertains to life and godliness, our blessed Lord as Man on earth was our example. While Jesus was the Incarnate Son, yet as a youth in the home at Nazareth “He increased in wisdom” as He grew in stature, and men marveled at the grace that was seen in His holy ways.