I get the impression Budman expects to fail and has just accepted failure because his
view is victory is impossible and a delusion of the enemy.
To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations--
'He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery'--
just as I have received authority from my Father. I will also give him the morning star.
Rev 2:26-28
That may be the case and may not be.
But the truth is that if a believer is stuck in a sin habit they are stuck in it.
They call out to God "Please release me, I need help, why do I do this, I don't want to do this"
So yes belivers do actually expect to fail, and let's be honest if it's a pattern then we expect the pattern to continue and victory seems impossible for some.
But we know in our hearts that it is not impossible.
Jesus calls the sinners, the dirty, the abused, the alcoholics, the drud addicts, the worthless, the needy, the depressed people the outcasts and so on.
The list could go on.
They are prisoners to the world, to their thoughts, to their life experiences which has battered them.
Such people accept they will fail, even if they do not want to.
So we disiple them. Look for the cause of the effect.
There is no point in telling them that you are saved by grace unto good works.
But revealing to them that God will work good in all things that has happened to them.
Just like me who was sexually abused, it was not good but God worked good in it.
Now I walk with those who it has happened to.
Walk with them how they cope with it.
Deal with those issues.
Then when we have dealt with it and healing comes I can quote Ephesians and say
"Now walk in the good works God has called you to do"
After all how could we in this day walk with someone if we have not walked the walk?