I'm from the U.S., but converted to an Eastern religion a year and a half ago. It got to the point where I actually...talked crap about Christian girls, morals, etc. Well I was sent on a mission with a group of 5 others, for a year, to spread our beliefs. I was steadfast in my belief that discipline was far superior to yours. We were sent to a college town in the South. Whenever I went out, it was with 1 other missionary. I routinely encountered really cute girls, the majority of whom are Christian. Many were what guys call "thick." Almost all of them it seemed wore fitted black leggings. I'd try my hardest to ignore looking down at the tush, and legs, but I just cant. They're just too thick, and the black tights...awgh, you cant. Thing is, my entire jaw would drop, and at that moment....so did my ego. Mainly because of all the pumping up of my own ego, in terms of moral superiority, and the crap I'd talked about christians/Christian girls. I actually tried to recover from that moment by looking up at their faces and trying to distract them with conversion talk-but I looked straight into a poker face every single time. I tried hard, but I couldn't get through it. Uggggh! I left that church, I just hated the fact that I'd talked all that crap, and then that resulted. My ego is pretty low right now. What's your thought on how this turned out?