I'm worried about my financial situation.My property taxes are going up .I'm not working.I don't know how I'm going to pay them.I tried posting about this to the prayer request wall twice but my request hasn't posted..I guess my problems don't count on this forum .I just don't know.
Your needs count and you matter. Just as much as everyone else Mario! Not sure if some get missed, a glitch or something I don’t know, mine didn’t get posted the other day.
Pray you keep asking for prayers at least.
Kay is right that God has a good plan for you.
A few years ago I was in a bad situation, and God helped me over the time - He has shown me how I can better face difficult situations and trust God with it all.
I’m sure He has a purpose for you through this trying time.
Praying you can trust Him.. and seek Him, His guidance, counsel and leading as you walk by Faith, in His Spirit.
Hope you can pray to Jesus, and spend time with Him in His Presence.. and receive His Peace even through seemingly impossible situations. Emmanuel, Wonderful Counsellor...
“Is anything too hard for the Almighty?”
Praying you find paid employment that you can do, and maintain. Praying you can put together a budget plan for the future, like Joseph.. and pray you receive help and sound financial counsel to get you back on course.
Jesus said, “
In this world you’ll have trouble, but take heart!!! I have overcome the world!!”
God bless you Mario, Jesus cares for you and your well-being.